IBM Unica Ratings & User Feedback

Unica is a marketing management product suite designed for large enterprises. It includes an email marketing engine, campaign management, web optimization, lead management and marketing resource management (MRM) capabilities. The company was founded in 1992 and was acquired by IBM in 2010. It is now part of IBM's Enterprise Marketing Management division.

** indicated 1500 customers; assume 1000 for their campaign product line.
Company status Owned by IBM (Public)
2012 revenue estimate $100m*
Growth 2011-2012 N/A
Customers 1000**
Employees 597**

Aggregate User Ratings on TrustRadius

The small number of reviews for Unica does not allow for meaningful analysis of overall scores compared to the average, but some users are looking for alternatives.

Source: (8) In-depth end-user reviews of Unica on TrustRadius
IBM Unica Marketing Automation Average
Likelihood to recommend 7.1 8.4
Likelihood to renew 7.3 8.3
Product usability N/A 8.3
Performance and reliability N/A 8.8
Support rating N/A 8.3
Training satisfaction N/A 8.6
Implementation satisfaction 9 8.5

Summary of Review Feedback

Source: (8) In-depth end-user reviews of Unica on TrustRadius
Strengths Areas for Improvement
Predictive Analytics — The Predictive Insights module is powerful and effective. UI Design / Complexity — The user interface is dated and the overall product design is very complex and requires extensive training.
Campaigns — Unica Campaign is effective for list pulls, segmentation and scheduling. Web Analytics — The NetInsight module is dated and less effective than some competing tools.