Amplitude Analytics is an analytics platform for mobile and web. It is designed to help organizations segment users and analyze funnels,
retention and revenue. Amplitude Analytics helps you achieve actionable insights from customer digital journeys and uses behavioral graphs to build customer-focused products. Amplitude also optimizes digital products for increased quality engagements, increased conversion rates, and long-term customer loyalty.
per month
Score 9.1 out of 10
MoEngage is an insights-led customer engagement platform, that empowers marketers and product owners with AI-driven insights and the ability to instantly turn those insights into cross-channel experiences.
Amplitude Analytics is an excellent solution for anyone with a mobile app and you want to track what users are doing, are they completing conversion steps, and are they coming back more often. This all helps you visual your customer bases engagement and help project future engagement and create goals. This also helps with prioritizing products to address drop-off points in the product to increase conversions.
MoEngage is well suited for all tech-enabled businesses, as then one can integrate all the possible events or relevant metrics, push them on MoEngage, and then make meaningful insights out of that, and--most importantly--use those for improving their customer engagement. It's probably not suited for offline-only businesses, stores, etc.
Some offerings seem duplicative, like dashboards and notebooks, which only seem to differ in that one can subscribe to dashboards
The messaging on valid vs invalid property types could be better explained to clarify which types (string, Boolean, integer, etc) are expected in particular scenarios. Though the type is usually set during event creation, we've often seen examples where the data received in production is different, leading to 'invalid type' errors
Great product Good value for the cost/initiate Support docs and FAQs are great - they limit the necessity of reaching out to in-person support. So when you do call them ... it is for a legit question/issue, no just a "where is it" or a "how to I do xyz123?"
It's a fairly straightforward platform that's beginner friendly. The biggest usability hurdle is most often created by your own team, as it's imperative to know what event sources are being sent to Amplitude and what those event names are. Within being properly onboarded by a team member it can be hard to get started using Amplitude. It takes time to understand what data your company may be sending to the product, the naming conventions of events (especially if there are old or deprecated events names
Alway up and running, or if there is a problem we can get back in the game right away. The reliability was a big selling point for me, and it was true when this company got it. Rollouts can be tough, but this was pretty seamless. Good support throughout the process, good documentation to handle questions/tips
No issues, problems, or negative remarks from us!! We had a plan, vendor support was rock solid, our data folks have experience, OCM supported as needed, and we got the rollout done on time, on budget, and with only minor hiccups. SInce the rollout, most of us have already forgotten the hiccups and generally speak highly of the product
I haven't used the Amplitude support other than their training docs so I can't speak too much to the in-person support but the docs are serviceable. Nothing too crazy but between the user tips, email notifications, and the decent number of docs I was able to get the support I needed to ramp up on the tool.
It's good and mostly on-time support. But they have a lot of demand, hence at times, they take some time to get back to us. Overall, they know their game and most of the people we spoke with knew their domain very well.
Virtual Not bad considering the timeframe and turnaround. The biggest benefit was for my end-users to hear a voice (other than mine/ours! LOL) telling them about the new features and capabilities. The in-person training was really good for having an expert that knows the answers and could refer to past experiences, problems, solutions. THey were a great resource to ease the transition ... basically a "you are gonna be okay with this change ... you got this etc.!" kinda vibe
Good enough to get strong baseline. I always make sure our our users go to and/or focus on the vebndor-provided support docs rather than any formal training. Our instructors come and go, but written policy and how-to docs live much longer in a corporate setting. That said, the online training is sufficient. I like that the training curric is stacked and progressive.
My team members all have background as data analysts, so Amp was pretty easy to for them. There was sufficient online training available. We also used the available support documents. The actual rollout went well. We did significant testing beforehand. We did a phased rollout, with partial silent rollout (part of OCM's plan) for the smallest line of business. THe silent one was "silent" b/c it was done without fanfare or public notices ... it was just a "we're doing some things, it wont impact your work or workday
Amplitude Analytics provides much more granular data than Google Analytics and gives you much more flexibility in how you can segment and splice the data. It also provides the ability to create closed funnels, which I have yet to find out how to do in Google Analytics. Amplitude has a very similar interface to Mixpanel, with a few handy additions, like the ability to name and categorize your events.
Haven't evaluated other tools because back then there is urgent need and expected that they could provide on of the best quality service but in fact when being pushed for the scale for the growth of the company, it seems that MoEngage team is not able to cope up with the speed.
Like all the other grades, it was mostly an easy implementation ... we have experience people, the rollout in general is well planned, and the vendor was very supportive