Appgate SDP vs. Sophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Appgate SDP
Score 9.2 out of 10
AppGate SDP (software-defined perimeter) from Cyxtera Technologies headquartered in Addison is a zero trust network security product.N/A
Sophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
Score 5.2 out of 10
UK-based Sophos provided Network Access Control technology. Sophos NAC Advanced has been discontinued since 2013.N/A
Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
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Pricing Offerings
Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
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Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
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Best Alternatives
Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
Small Businesses
Score 9.2 out of 10

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Medium-sized Companies
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access
Score 8.6 out of 10
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
Score 8.7 out of 10
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access
Palo Alto Networks Prisma Access
Score 8.6 out of 10
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE)
Score 8.7 out of 10
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User Ratings
Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
Likelihood to Recommend
(2 ratings)
(1 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
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User Testimonials
Appgate SDPSophos NAC Advanced (discontinued)
Likelihood to Recommend
It is best suited for larger companies with lots of remote workers that need complex access management. We've barely scratched the surface on what Appgate can do via its API.
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Discontinued Products
Sophos Network Access Control would be most effective in an enterprise environment where there are many different groups of users, including guest users because it has the ability to block unauthorized users and control the access of guest users. It would not be well suited for an environment with less than 1000 users because as far as I know, the license requires at least that many users.
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  • Software-Defined perimeter
  • Hide resources to non-authorized/authenticated users.
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Discontinued Products
  • Provides enforcement of security policies for Windows PCs
  • As part of the Sophos Security Suite provides outstanding protection from viruses
  • Uses a very nice web-based GUI
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  • Live logging in the client. Currently you have to "download" the logs into a zip file and then open that zipfile to look at the logs. There's no logfile to tail or watch.
  • Load balancing between controllers could be better. Currently relies on round robin DNS and sometimes a browser will pick a different IP than previous and you'll get a big "LOST CONNECTION TO CONTROLLER" message.
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Discontinued Products
  • Customer support was basically non-existent during the time we needed it the most. This should be #1 priority for any company.
  • Lack of support for Linux servers and Mac OS
  • The reporting system relies on information provided by the agents
  • Wide scale removal process needs some vast improvements. When using a batch removal script, it wrecks the NIC drivers to the point that they have to be removed and reinstalled.
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Support Rating
The company has been supportive overall of our needs and desired features. I have not personally called the support services, but I've heard no direct complaints either.
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Discontinued Products
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Alternatives Considered
The existing system was FortiGate. The management of the system was a hassle. Because IT personnel had to manually create VPN accounts, user passwords were known to who created them and the end user did not have a way to change them. This created a security issue in the event an IT engineer left the company.
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Discontinued Products
I have used Mcafee Antivirus Suite, Trend Micro, and Vipre Antivirus. I actually had more experience with Vipre than anything else so that is the one that I will be comparing it too. From what I remember, Vipre was more expensive but had better customer support. Other than that, they both do pretty much thing as well as what all the others do. I personally do not believe that any enterprise level antivirus solution is better than any other, it boils down to which one can your company afford, and which one fits best with your needs.
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Return on Investment
  • We are achieving our goals with this tool by hiding resources behind it.
  • It is a new model that requires a different thought process for many in network operations.
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Discontinued Products
  • Positive -- We were able to control guest users access
  • Positive -- Using the entire Sophos Security Suite I only remember one major virus while I was with the company which saves on downtime, and IT man hours
  • Negative -- The time we spent removing this, and reinstalling NIC drivers because the removal process crashed them cost the company in IT man hours.
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