Blackbaud DonorCentral vs. Ellucian CRM Advance

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Blackbaud DonorCentral
Score 8.9 out of 10
Blackbaud DonorCentral is a donor management system supporting fund accounting donor engagement with brand specific configurability.N/A
Ellucian CRM Advance
Score 6.8 out of 10
Ellucian CRM Advance is a nonprofit constituent relationship management software solution offered by Ellucian, Inc.N/A
Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
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Pricing Offerings
Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
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Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
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Best Alternatives
Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
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Blackbaud CRM
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Blackbaud CRM
Blackbaud CRM
Score 7.5 out of 10
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User Ratings
Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
Likelihood to Recommend
(1 ratings)
(3 ratings)
Support Rating
(1 ratings)
(2 ratings)
User Testimonials
Blackbaud DonorCentralEllucian CRM Advance
Likelihood to Recommend
Specific scenarios where Blackbaud DonorCentral is well suited are definitely in regards to our Development team. They can quickly update our constituent's memberships and keep our communications team in the loop on current member emails and those who are in need or renewals. It also helps with their development and fundraising events. They are keeping track of the highest donors and those big prospective donors for future events. Scenarios, where it is less appropriate, are definitely in my meetings department. It does not sync with our registration database for conferences, so we have to do double work verifying if they are members or not.
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A potential student calls in and we can enter all the information in CRM right then. Ellucian CRM Advance makes it easy for when we go back a week later to see all the notes on the student rather than asking them all over again. Admissions takes the call and enters all info into CRM Advance and then Academics can just log in and see all the notes Admissions took on the student.
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  • Has great security and privacy settings. Keeps your donor information safe.
  • Has a direct link with donors to our information. Eliminates a lot of double work and or hitting the same donor with multiple emails.
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  • Ties fundraising efforts to alumni.
  • Seamless integration from Ellucian Colleage or Banner.
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  • Doesn't interface with our Aventri Registration system.
  • Has quite a few advertised features like SKY and DAF that don't get used that much and aren't as impressive as they say that are.
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  • Some of the data is not in the most intuitive location.
  • The initial learning curve of the system was a bit steep, but after working with the system exclusively, our users got proficient very quickly.
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Support Rating
I gave it a low rating because response times are slow. It does have multiple ways to reach support, but it usually takes a while before you "get in front" of the person you need to fix your issue. Also, problems seem to happen a lot, so it makes the process more frustrating.
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CRM Advance is very efficient and overall a great product. We have been using CRM for many many years with really no complaints. It fits our needs.
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Alternatives Considered
I do not know of any other alternatives, as I do not work in the development department. Our Development team would have sourced alternatives to settle on this one.
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We actually recently dropped CRM Advance and are now live with Raisers Edge. Raisers Edge was much more user friendly and built around the fundraising experience. Integration was possible through a secure FTP interface with Ellucian Colleague. Other Blackbaud products have since been purchased to further enhance fundraising and gift giving.
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Return on Investment
  • Helps development team keep a clear and concise donor relationship.
  • Accounting can forecast money coming in more accurately.
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  • We are now able to do a more effective review of applicants and see overall trends of characteristics such as source locations. This helps to focus other efforts such as marketing to support those areas and increase others.
  • There is now a full picture of the needs of our students. By being able to view information in a logical progression, trend data can be identified and reacted to.
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