HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR) vs. SAP Data Intelligence

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)
Score 9.4 out of 10
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (formerly MapR, acquired by HPE in 2019) is a software-defined datastore and file system that simplifies data management and analytics by unifying data across core, edge, and multicloud sources into a single platform. Just as a loom weaves multiple threads into a single piece of fabric, HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric weaves distributed data into a single enterprise-wide data layer that ingests, processes, and stores data once and then makes it available for reuse across multiple…N/A
SAP Data Intelligence
Score 8.1 out of 10
SAP Data Intelligence is presented by the vendor as a single solution to innovate with data. It provides data-driven innovation in the cloud, on premise, and through BYOL deployments. It is described by the vendor as the new evolution of the company's data orchestration and management solution running on Kubernetes, released by SAP in 2017 to deal with big data and complex data orchestration working across distributed landscapes and processing engine.N/A
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
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HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
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HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
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HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
Small Businesses

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Medium-sized Companies
Cloudera Manager
Cloudera Manager
Score 9.9 out of 10

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IBM Analytics Engine
IBM Analytics Engine
Score 8.6 out of 10
Talend Data Fabric
Talend Data Fabric
Score 9.5 out of 10
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User Ratings
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
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(4 ratings)
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User Testimonials
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric (MapR)SAP Data Intelligence
Likelihood to Recommend
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
MapR is more well-suited for people who know what they are doing. I consider MapR the Hadoop distribution professionals use.
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If you have an SAP products ecosystem in your IT landscape, it becomes a no-brainer to go ahead with an SAP Data Intelligence product for your data orchestration, data management, and advanced data analytics needs, such as data preparation for your AI/ML processes. It provides a seamless integration with other SAP products.
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • MapR had very fast I/O throughput. The write speed was several times faster than what we could achieve with the other Hadoop vendors (Cloudera and Hortonworks). This is because MapR does not use HDFS, which is essentially a "meta filesystem". HDFS is built on top of the filesystem provided by the OS. MapR has their filesystem called MapR-FS, which is a true filesystem and accesses the raw disk drives.
  • The MapR filesystem is very easy to integrate with other Linux filesystems. When working with HDFS from Apache Hadoop, you usually have to use either the HDFS API or various Hadoop/HDFS command line utilities to interact with HDFS. You cannot use command line utilities native to the host operation system, which is usually Linux. At least, it is not easily done without setting up NFS, gateways, etc. With MapR-FS, you can mount the filesystem within Linux and use the standard Unix commands to manipulate files.
  • The HBase distribution provided by MapR is very similar to the Apache HBase distribution. Cloudera and Hortonworks add GUIs and other various tools on top of their HBase distributions. The MapR HBase distribution is very similar to the Apache distribution, which is nice if you are more accustomed to using Apache HBase.
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  • It integrates well with our current ecosystem of SAP products, like HANA.
  • It provides end-to-end machine learning operations, with tools for the complete model life cycle.
  • It has a simple user interface for novice users, with complex tools also available for power users.
  • It builds on SAP Data Hub, providing all the ETL functions of that tool with additional machine learning functionality.
  • It can run in the cloud, no on-premise software management needed.
  • Many programming languages are supported, it provides a sandbox environment for the user to develop in whichever style they prefer.
  • SAP is very actively developing and improving it.
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • It takes time to get latest versions of Apache ecosystem tools released as it has to be adapted.
  • When you have issues related to Mapr-FS or Mapr Tables, its hard to figure them out by ourselves.
  • Sometime new ecosystem tools versions are released without proper QA.
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  • Data transfer speed tends to be slow when there is poor internet connection since SAP Data Intelligence don’t synchronize data while offline. However, this is not vendor fault, that’s why we have implemented robust wireless technology internet connection in our organization.
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Likelihood to Renew
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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Allow collaborations among various personas
with insights as ratings and comments on the
datasets Reuse knowledges on the datasets for new users Next-Gen Data Management and Artificial Intelligence
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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I think the troubleshooting process might be streamlined with improved error recording and tracing. A lot of information about issues and how to fix them is hidden away in the Kubernetes pods themselves. I'm not sure whether SAP Data Intelligence can fix this problem it may be connected to Kubernetes's design, in which case fixing it could need modifications inside Kubernetes itself.
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Support Rating
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
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Initially we struggle to get help from SAP but then dedicated Dev angel was assigned to us and that simplify the overall support scenario. There is still room of improvement in documentation around SAP Data intelligence. We struggle a lot to initially understand the feature and required help around performance improvement area,
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Alternatives Considered
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
I don't believe there is as much support for MapR yet compared to other more widely known products.
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One of the reasons to pick SAP Data Intelligence is the speed and security it provides, in addition to the excellent support it provides. It is also compatible with all popular databases, which is another reason to choose it.
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Return on Investment
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Increased employee efficiency for sure. Our clients have various levels of expertise in their deployment and user teams, and we never receive complaints about MapR.
  • MapR is used by one of our financial services clients who uses it for fraud detection and user pattern analysis. They are able to turn around data much faster than they previously had with in-house applications
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  • Automation of data management slashed tasks by over 60% in most departments for the first 8 months.
  • Metadata catalogs have enabled us to categorize data from disjointed sources in one place.
  • It runs multiple ML models which enhances flexibility when managing data.
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SAP Data Intelligence Screenshots

Screenshot of Business GlossaryScreenshot of Example of data quality operatorsScreenshot of Data profiling fact sheetScreenshot of SAP Data Intelligence Jupyter lab notebook for machine learningScreenshot of SAP Data Intelligence data pipeline using PythonScreenshot of SAP Data Intelligence example ata quality dashboard