Mattersight Behavioral Analytics, alternately known as Nexidia Analytics after Mattersight's acquisitions by NICE Systems, was a tool used to identity behavioral trends occurring in customer service, and help organizations to identify coaching opportunities. The product is no longer available for sale.
MS SharePoint / SQL
Score 8.2 out of 10
MS SharePoint / SQL refers to Microsoft Sharepoint, a web-based collaborative platform, being used in tandem with Microsoft SQL Server to provide business intelligence analytics and reporting. They can provide BI content such as data connections, reports, scorecards, dashboards, and more.
IF it is cruicial in your organization to have the internal conversations recorded, this is NOT the product for you. If you do not need that, the savings in time by the software analyzing calls in a way where you can search for specific incidents is fantastic. The training on personality types and how to work with each one is also a great tool for any organization. I can say if it weren't for the rep to rep recording piece, I would give this product a 9.
As I mentioned in my previous answers, MS SharePoint is very useful as a shared drive for the organization and is very easy to manage. It also helps us import data from SharePoint directly into PowerBI for creating reports. According to my understanding, only share link features should be improved.
I love how the systems analyzes the callers so QA's are able to help guide the agent on how to better handle that style on the next call.
I love how the system runs reports for us. We no longer have to manually enter and produce reports, which is a "bear" of a project.
Behavioral Analytics helps me keep track of not only my team's progress, but the progress of team leads and supervisors doing coaching and QA monitors.
Mattersight Behavioral Analytics has always shown great support to our organization. They are always willing to help and find new ways to improve our customer experience. The team we have with Mattersight has become part of our everyday work lives in which we value their business
This was a long-term buy-in from a corporate perspective, to remain in the SharePoint space. Migration is certainly possible, which is good for planning and having options further out. At this point, the only planned migration is to eventually move the architecture up to SharePoint/SQL 2013. At that point, we will be able to leverage some greater efficiencies, some enhanced content design and management features, and some more current social features. It is well worth a full consideration in any shop looking at a new implementation of or migration to SharePoint (although you will probably be considering 2013 versions or beyond in those discussions), but the platform should be a strong competitor to any alternatives. Realizing the capability of a fully-branded and customized website was not part of the original choice for the architecture at Lincoln, but seeing it implemented and functioning now with this capacity far beyond original expectations has certainly cemented plans to continue using it.
As stated in numerous slides before, asking the same question, SharePoint is the ideal software when working in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment. It is very easy to share large files (PDFs, documents, blueprints) and collaborate with team members inside and outside of our base office.
We have not had any issues with BA's availability. It is always up and running. The only issues we run into is staff not logging in everyday because they already have so many systems up as it is. Other than users, BA is great and is always there.
The pages load very quickly. The reports are nice. I wish I could understand a little more about what is on the reports and what all the sections mean, but once you remove the information that is not needed the reports are easy to filter through and read. I do wish that we would get Outlook notification for comments and monitors.
Mattersight gives great support. Every time I reach out to them I get a response within the hour, even if it is just to tell me that they will check into the issue. The staff always stays in contact and even after changes have been made or answers given they follow back up with you and make sure everything is going smoothly. The Mattersight team never makes you feel like you are burden and it feels that with every contact they grow a little more as well.
I've only had to call in to support on one occasion but they were able to work though our issue and find a solution that did fully resolve the issue in a timely manner. I can't always say the same about support from other companies so it was a refreshing change to have support that did help.
This was a great class. We learned so much about the program and our team through the on-site training provided by Mattersight. The trainers were very professional and playful at the same time. They really brought the training to life. The trainers were great at answering all questions and making sure we could train our staff in the same professional, yet fun, manner.
I love the roundtable meetings. This is a great way to come together with other companies that are also using the product. It is great to hear about how others train and hear some of their struggles and success stories, so we are able to make the best BA training out there.
It was really nice to start slowly and train leadership and then slowly start implanting of BA to the staff. This helped with coaching and helped with new staff as they hit the floor. We found that this helped the staff relate and share stories to help with team dynamic. Great system.
The version of Calabrio that we were using strictly recorded calls - It did not offer nearly as many options as what is available in Mattersight. Mattersight allowed us to implement a consistent approach to customer interactions. In addition, searching for calls, and specific points within the calls, is much more efficient with Mattersight.
At the time of the two large projects, SharePoint was the enterprise solution so we were required to use that. We have since lobbied the enterprise teams to review and consider Atlassian Confluence and were successful. Confluence is cheaper than Sharepoint which is why we wanted to bring that in. The enterprise has now made Confluence an enterprise solution as an alternative to SharePoint. After using both I think SharePoint has many more add-ins than Confluence. It has much more customization ability than Confluence. SharePoint is not good for mobile readiness. Confluence is so there is a difference that might lead you to Confluence over SharePoint. I would also say that SharePoint is very document-centric and that Confluence has better KM than SharePoint does. even with the use of SQL Server. We were told that we could not use Google Drive even though it had features we liked.
We believe we improved our customer service with our employees working with our customers and adapting to their styles.
We improved our manager's efficiency selecting calls to monitor and conducting impactful coaching sessions.
We had challenges determining a true ROI as we found it difficult/impossible to fully isolate Mattersight's impact to our bottom line. It was hard to attribute our lead conversion applications and revenue directly to Mattersight with several other external factors in play.