Snow License Manager vs. Symantec Asset Management Suite

ProductRatingMost Used ByProduct SummaryStarting Price
Snow License Manager
Score 8.9 out of 10
Snow License Manager enables organizations to gain an accurate view of software usage and entitlements. Organizations can then dynamically reconcile these findings against license entitlements to optimize their IT environments and be audit-ready. HOW IT WORKS Snow License Manager is the central hub for the Snow Software Asset Management platform, providing a unified view of installed software, SaaS, cloud resources and hardware. With Snow License Manager, usage data is…N/A
Symantec Asset Management Suite
Score 5.3 out of 10
The Symantec Asset Management Suite aims to help organizations get an accurate picture of their assets, ensure compliance during software audits, avoid vendor penalties and fines and uncover savings by eliminating the purchase of unnecessary licenses. This IT Asset Management solution is designed to discover, inventory, and track all hardware and software assets in an organization’s IT infrastructure through a CMDB. The CMDB manages assets’ hierarchical relationships to other…N/A
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
Editions & Modules
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Pricing Offerings
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
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Free/Freemium Version
Premium Consulting/Integration Services
Entry-level Setup FeeNo setup feeNo setup fee
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Community Pulse
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
Top Pros
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Best Alternatives
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
Small Businesses

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Medium-sized Companies
Score 8.6 out of 10
Score 8.7 out of 10
SymphonyAI IT Service Management
SymphonyAI IT Service Management
Score 8.9 out of 10
SymphonyAI IT Service Management
SymphonyAI IT Service Management
Score 8.9 out of 10
All AlternativesView all alternativesView all alternatives
User Ratings
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
Likelihood to Recommend
(19 ratings)
(7 ratings)
Likelihood to Renew
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(18 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
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Support Rating
(2 ratings)
(0 ratings)
In-Person Training
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Implementation Rating
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Contract Terms and Pricing Model
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Ease of integration
(16 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Product Scalability
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Professional Services
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor post-sale
(1 ratings)
(0 ratings)
Vendor pre-sale
(1 ratings)
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User Testimonials
Snow License ManagerSymantec Asset Management Suite
Likelihood to Recommend
I have said at a number of events that I have attended, where other suppliers have shown their latest and greatest new thing, it is the fundamentals that need to work, and need to work well, and this is what Snow License Manager does. It does not take a team of 100 staff to get the tool working or to keep the tool functioning, it works and is stable out of the box. We have learnt that putting the right processes in at the start means that Snow License Manager can do what it has been designed to do and what we have paid for it to do. Audits from vendors now days are relatively simple actions, with the Snow License Manager doing it's job we can quickly run a report and know exactly what our position is and then act accordingly, quick, simple and accurate data at your finger tips, as long as you put the work in to enter the license details etc. If Snow License Manager could invent a robot to go around the business and find all these bits of paper for us then that would be perfect.
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If your organization has more than 50 computers and you have a dedicated IT Staff to manage the software then Symantec Asset Management Suite would be a great fit for your organization. The IT Staff can customize and configure the software and console to fit your organization's direct needs. It will speed up software installations and help to keep your computers running smoothly by applying patches and other necessary software updates in a timely manner. It will also help you manage your asset inventory so you know exactly where each computer is located, its IP address, and the users logging into the machine. If your organization is small and only has around 20 computer users then I would not recommend investing in the Symantec Asset Management Suite. Managing 20 computers is a task that is pretty easy to manage even if you do not have a dedicated IT Staff within your organization.
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  • SLM finds installations of software reliably.
  • SLM determines the usage of applications, web apps, and the users who employ them.
  • SLM Reports help management determine current and future application usage.
  • SLM notifies when forbidden programs are installed.
  • SLM provides complete license management.
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  • Asset tracking - Very important in a business
  • Reports - Keep track of what programs are installed, who has which computer, etc.
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  • Recognition of licensed plugins running in another application's executable is missing
  • There is inconsistent use of Wildcards like "%" across search fields in the SLM and SMACC
  • The search "filter" called "Also include not installed/used" is necessary to see not installed/used applications.
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  • Ability to tie into and be supported by RHEL, CentOS, and any other Unix based OS. I know that they could tie into some different systems, but weren't truly supported.
  • Altiris was how we deployed to multiple computers all at once, Altiris Agent sometimes stops, and can be an issue to have it update in the Console.
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Likelihood to Renew
It is a tool that works, a tool that is reliable, and trusted within the industry and our company
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We currently have the on-premise solution, which is very good indeed. If we were starting working with Snow now, we'd probably select the Atlas (SaaS) managed platform. This would reduce/remove work required to keep the Snow servers up-to-date with Windows and software updates.
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Reliability and Availability
Never had issues in this area. Always up and running
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It took some growing pains and SNOW fixed performance issues for their product, but never had any issue with it
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Support Rating
Is is easy to find information on their support site or to enter a support ticket. The response times are usually under a day and they don't hesitate to get into direct contact with you to solve the current issue.
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In-Person Training
Love it, and I got to go to Sweden
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Implementation Rating
It went well, we took out time and verified each step as we went
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Alternatives Considered
The deciding factor for the decision makers was the combination of license management and utilization statistics. Our desktop people wanted the utilization and reporting to be very granular and close to real time. Snow was purchased because they promoted their real time utilization in addition to the license management, alerting and reporting. To my knowledge, only Snow was given a proof of concept before the decision was made.
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We compared a lot of products Pulseway, Asset Panda, GoCodes, Service Now, BMC TrackIT, Sysaid, Landesk. After checking all these, found Symantec is the only one which fulfills all my organization's requirements. Glad to find a great choice by doing a proper survey. I would suggest others to go for this too.
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Not quite sure I understand the deployment question. We deployed company wide
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Professional Services
Worked great and accomplished the goals
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Return on Investment
  • Allowed for reducing licenses/cost at renewal or true-up time
  • Shows us new software in our environment so we can get it removed or purchase appropriate licensing to avoid compliance issues
  • Shows up blacklisted software when it appears in our environment allowing us to get it removed to avoid security issues
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  • Increased productivity by PC Support
  • Faster compliance in a zero day situation
  • Reporting and visibility that lead to tangible action
  • Implementation can be cumbersome and technical support may be required.
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Snow License Manager Screenshots

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