Machine Learning Tools

TrustRadius Top Rated for 2023

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Posit, formerly RStudio, is a modular data science platform, combining open source and commercial products.


The DataRobot AI Platform is presented as a solution that accelerates and democratizes data science by automating the end-to-end journey from data to value and allows users to deploy AI applications at scale. DataRobot provides a centrally governed platform that gives users AI to…

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(101-125 of 286)

0 reviews

According to the vendor, Analance is a robust, scalable end-to-end advanced analytics platform that combines machine learning, artificial intelligence, business intelligence, and data management capabilities in one integrated, self-serve platform. The platform is built to deliver…

DataFleets, from LiveRamp

DataFleets is a cloud platform for unified and privacy-preserving enterprise data analytics powered by Federated Learning, aimed at making it easy to securely bridge data silos and create new data-driven products with strong network effects.DataFleets' tech boasts support for a full…

Prime AI
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Hopsworks, from Logical Clocks, enables users to connect to a data warehouse and data lake, to transform data into features to train models and make predictions. It is presented as a full AI lifecycle for MLOps, built around its Feature Store. The Hopsworks Feature Store is a dual-…

omniX Labs
0 reviews

omniX Labs provides vehicle service analytics.

0 reviews

Konan is a MLOps tool that helps users deploy AI models into production over a night.

Incedo Lighthouse

Incedo Lighthouse is a cloud native AI powered Decision Automation platform to develop use case specific solutions. It optimizes the journey of ‘Data -> Insights -> Actions’ at enterprise scale in near-real time by harnessing AI applied on Big Data in a low-code environment.…

0 reviews

TruEra provides AI Quality solutions to help enterprises analyze machine learning.

Quantum Boost
0 reviews

Quantum Boost is an advanced online platform that uses artificial intelligence to reach set targets through the fewest possible experiments.Key features:Faster than DoE: Quantum Boost uses AI algorithms to ensure targets are achieved in the fewest amount of experiments possible.Flexible…

Eden AI
0 reviews

Eden AI simplifies the use and deployment of AI technologies by offering an API that connects to AI engines. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to AI engines. Their performance heavily relies on a use case's specific data. Eden AI helps users to select the most…

Arize ML Observability Platform

Arize AI is a machine learning observability solution used to detect, troubleshoot, and eliminate ML model issues faster. It offers observability built for ML practitioners to automatically surface performance issues and trace the root cause. By indexing datasets across training,…

0 reviews

Dask is a parallel computing library for analytics, that makes it easier to scale Python librarieslike NumPy, pandas, and scikit-learn. Dask is free and open source under a BSD 3-Clause license.

Arundo DataSeer

Arundo Analytics, a specialist in technology for oil & gas, utilities, refining & chemicals, and equipment manufacturers, offers DataSeer, a machine learning tool used to extract information from schematics and data sheets for cost estimation and related analytic tasks.

0 reviews

Based on their technological framework, AutoNLU, the vendor has developed AI for detecting topics and the respective sentiment (ABSA). The AI can differentiate between contexts and industries and is capable of detecting aspects in a fine-granular manner. The vendor states it can…

0 reviews

AltaML is a developer of AI-powered solutions. Working with organizations that want to leverage their data using artificial intelligence (AI), AltaML develops solutions that help organizations to create operational efficiency, reduce risk, and generate new sources of revenue. Through…

Carbon by Sanctuary AI

Sanctuary (Sanctuary AI) states their mission is to create human-like intelligence in general-purpose robots. The Carbon™ AI control system mimics subsystems found in the human brain, such as memory, sight, sound, and touch. When applied with Phoenix™ general-purpose robots, the…

0 reviews

NVIDIA Train, Adapt, and Optimize (TAO) is a GUI-based, workflow-driven framework that simplifies and accelerates the creation of enterprise AI applications and services. By fine-tuning pretrained models, enterprises can produce domain specific models in hours rather than months,…

0 reviews

Zementis gives organizations a single tool for predictive analytics. It is presented by the vendor, Software AG, as intuitive and easy-to-use, taking predictive analytics beyond the data science team so anyone in an enterprise can understand customer behavior, market dynamics, and…

Precognox TAS Insight Engine

Discovering, extracting, retrieving and finding the value in enterprise data is all about getting insights. TAS Insight Engine aims to provide all the essential insights to lead users to the right business decision. GETTING INSIGHTS Getting insight means a kind of information extraction…

0 reviews

Willow is a proprietary Human-Aware Artificial Intelligence that leverages the principles of both motivation and understanding to create AI-centric experiences that change behaviors and drive results, from headquartered in Grand Junction, Colorado. Its personal development…

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Learn More About Machine Learning Tools

What are Machine Learning Tools?

Machine learning tools are algorithmic applications of artificial intelligence that give systems the ability to learn and improve without ample human input; similar concepts are data mining and predictive modeling. They allow software to become more accurate in predicting outcomes without being explicitly programmed. The idea is that a model or algorithm is used to get data from the world, and that data is fed back into the model so that it improves over time. It’s called machine learning because the model “learns” as it is fed more and more data.

They can be used, for example, to build recommendation engines, predict search patterns, filter spam, build news feeds, detect fraud and security threats, and much more. There are four types of machine learning algorithms: supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforced.

Supervised algorithms are machine learning tools with training wheels. They require a person to program both the input and the desired output, as well as provide feedback as to the accuracy of the end results.

Unsupervised algorithms require very little human intervention by instead using an approach called “deep learning” to review massive banks of data and arrive at conclusions based on previous examples of training data; they are, therefore, generally used for more complex processing tasks such as image recognition, speech-to-text, and natural language generation.

Semi-supervised algorithms tend to fall in the middle ground.

Reinforced algorithms force models to repeat a process until it produces the most favorable outcomes. Attempts that produce these favorable outcomes are rewarded and attempts that produce unfavorable results are penalized until the algorithm learns the optimal process.

Machine Learning Tools' Features & Capabilities

Most vendors offering machine learning tools include:

  • Data collection and preparation
  • Model building
  • Training and application deployment

Additional Tools

Some vendors also offer additional tools to

  • Store aggregated data on the Cloud
  • Build models with easy drag and drop capabilities
  • Access libraries with pre-modeled routines and functions

Machine Learning Tools Comparison

When beginning your process for a machine learning tool with which to get started, walk through the following flow of questions to help you narrow down your options:

  • Am I looking for a managed machine learning platform? (Think time-and-cost efficiency.)
  • Do I need a mobile-supported tool?
  • For what scripting language do I need support? (R, Python, Java, C++, etc.)
  • If you're on a budget, ask yourself: Can I effectively manage my training data with the storage space I have? (You may need to consider moving to the cloud, which is typically more expensive.)
  • Do I need support for multiple model types? (Binary, regression, multi-class, etc.)
  • Would I prefer having an extensive library with which to start?
  • Are my projects expected to grow (and thus requiring a need for scalability)?
  • Do I need a full cycle deep learning system?

Ready to start comparing your shortlist head-to-head? Start a Machine Learning Tools comparison

Pricing Information

Many vendors offering machine learning tools will offer a free trial or a free version with a limited batch of predictions. There are several free and open-source machine learning platforms, like Google's Tensorflow, for developers on a budget. For paid plans, prices are generally Pay-As-You-Go, tiered by price per hour and training units, typically starting at $0.10/Unit/Hour. Deep learning capabilities are typically more expensive, at $1+/GPU/Hour.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do machine learning tools do?

Machine learning tools absorb and interpret data, which helps them create models that can be used for future process automation. Their highly advanced algorithms make predictions and better decisions based on this data. Over time, these tools learn and adapt, creating intelligent learning capabilities for applications. The four types of machine learning tools include supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforced.

What are the benefits of using machine learning tools?

Machine learning tools identify important patterns in large quantities of data. They consistently improve the speed and accuracy of their predictions. These tools also provide automation, which saves time and makes processes more efficient.

What are the best machine learning tools products?

How much do machine learning tools cost?

There are several free and open-source machine learning platforms, such as Google's Tensorflow, for developers on a budget. Paid plans are generally tiered by price per hour and training units, typically starting at $0.10/unit/hour. Advanced learning capabilities are typically more expensive, starting at $1+/GPU/hour.