Related Quote from Giuseppe Nucifora
Pricing Reliable service Simple use … Linode is very huge service for companies that needs certain price and stable … the relevant point that made me choose linode is the pricing strategy.
Akamai Connected Cloud (formerly Linode) accelerates innovation with scalable and accessible Linux cloud solutions and services. These products, services, and people give developers and enterprises the flexibility and support to build, deploy, secure, and scale applications more easily from cloud to…
For the latest information on pricing, visit
CPU, transfer, storage, and RAM are bundled into one price. Storage capacity can be increased with additional Block Storage or S3-compatible Object Storage. Instant Backups can be added with complete independence to the stack. Linode NodeBalancers ensure applications are available.
The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other software in similar categories
DigitalOcean is an infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) platform from the company of the same name headquartered in New York. It is known for its support of managed Kubernetes clusters and “droplets” feature.
IBM Cloud Object Storage is an IBM Cloud product in the endpoint backup and IaaS categories. It is commonly used for data archiving and backup, for web and mobile applications, and as scalable, persistent storage for analytics.
IBM Cloud Virtual Servers are customizable, public or private, cloud-based servers available from IBM. User can launch applications and software across blended, hybrid environments as the servers integrate with all cloud models.
Pricing Reliable service Simple use … Linode is very huge service for companies that needs certain price and stable … the relevant point that made me choose linode is the pricing strategy.
Give more RAM for the price. Increase hard drive space. Price could be less. … with different software. We wanted complete control of the server at an affordable price. Akamai (Linode) provided fast computing and zero downtime. We especially
The interface blows them out of the water; pricing is so much more competitive—no egregious bandwidth fees like AWS. As a small startup, cutting out the … founded earlier. Linode/Akamai provides better price-per-performance, though, as DigitalOcean is expensive nowadays. … Simple and fast interface. Fair and simpl…
on which you can install exactly the services you need to install. It is cheaper than other cloud VMs like AWS and Azure. Performance of the VMs is good … never been down in the last 3 year. So there has been no outages. It has been cost effective as multiple sites can be hosted on the same server. Support has … is easier to find things. Billing is easier to…
Excellent low cost hosting option if you have the time / knowledge to maintain your own server(s) … Linode was considerably cheaper than Rackspace, Azure and Amazon when I last checked. It's also pretty simple … Robust performance and reliability at a consistent price…
Customer service Uptime Scaleability Ease of use Cost efficient Flexibility
a lot of interesting "Marketplace" applications, it can be very easy and cheap to setup an entire test environment, try it out for a few days and delete … while the automatic backup system is very limited, it is also very useful, cheap and easy to use in some specific scenarios. … technologies/platforms that we wouldn't have bothered…
on added reliability and speed, monthly pricing enabled proof of concepts and demos to be quantified and priced. Does require a bit of a higher skill on … The nature of its offering allows us to adapt and evolve these solutions cost effectively. Excellent support, with an organisation that understands the … offering. If you know how to handle Linux…
sites ranging in scale. The flexibility of the servers with known fixed pricing is really useful and allows us to plan well in advance. Additionally the … Customer support is always fast and knowledgeable. Pricing is competitive. The…
Fast. Cheap. Expandable. … A little bit more support for website downtime. More options/variations for the cheaper plans would be great (double … (double my CPU currently means 4x more expensive).
for the pricing, but quality of service is pretty good. Heroku is great for novice programmers with no DevOps experience, but you pay an extra cost for it … the Linux field, you can install all of your dependencies and run for less cost.
Lower cost for better performance compared to our previous server. Lower cost for higher security compared to our previous … Linode's price for performance is unmatched. The scalability and customizability of their
High Compute power are affordable pricing Competitive pricing compared to AWS Better IOPS on SSD for good read/write performance … Dedicated CPU. Developer friendly services. Affordable cost. Detailed monitoring and analytics. Availability in India. More … de…
Reliable Quick, friendly customer service Good value for money … what they do offer is strong. We especially like that in most cases the pricing is very predictable. Very generous bandwidth. … Linode ultimately has better value for money. Not as many features/services…
we do not need the complexities or cost of Google or Office365. With the services we have from Linode, they are cost effective and put us in control of … would like to see a weekly or monthly Backup provided as part of the monthly fee. Being able to scale drive space requirements a little better I can't really … Machine and allow you to do what you need to d…
Cheap and reliable virtual servers Very easy and simple interface Transparent pricing Easy to use and install things Managed … Reduced cost Increased reliability from old provider Reduced overhead cost Less need of support … used to. W…
option. Linode also offers a managed account at a bit more expensive price. … Excellent support Proactive maintenance Fair price Reliable Easy … Linode has a fair pricing and an excellent support. Linode is in the top 5 Virtual
and expansive, but far too expensive for what we need it to do. Azure is a more plug-in hosted solution, but again the price isn't worth it. I can use dokku … deploying servers with a higher resource ceiling. More x cheaper has been better than few x more expensive. … also hosts the majority of our DNS. Their flexibility with instances and…
Good value for money. Great support if needed. Good range of products. … A cheaper backup solution. The smallest VPS with … with two cores instead of one. An even cheaper VPS (but the current offering is already very good).
confusion regarding unexpected charges, Linode offers Virtual Machine pricing structured in fixed slabs with reasonable tiers and pricing ranges.This approach has … greatly minimized billing-related issues for us. With clear and predictable pricing, we have a solid understanding…
will cost to deploy. Even though I get free Azure credits through my partner agreement with Microsoft, I selected Linode because of its low cost, ease … Price. Easy of u…
Price has increased and had some troubles with the London data centre
Pricing Reliability Hardware/Technical Support … S3-compatible storage expensive Bandwidth Alliance membership was dropped … Cheaper and more reliable than owning our own gear
are needed, and that is pretty rare. They continue to deliver great value for the price and they seem to care about how their customers are doing. … private servers for over a decade. They have been consistent, reliable, affordable, and more effective than I could hope. Currently,…
Linode's services. The customer support is faster and better, the prices are more affordable, and the speed and reliability is equal to what AWS was offering … block storage. The reliability and speed is comparable, but Linode's price is cheaper and their customer service is far faster and better. I also prefer … Reliability.…