Loving the new 360... except the price
Rating: 9 out of 10
December 16, 2016
Vetted Review
Verified User
We have been using Storyline 2 for the past several years (since I came onboard) and updated to 360 when it was released. We are one team of 6 (but rapidly growing to more than 10) instructional designers on campus and we use SL/360 to develop assets for faculty to use in their courses. We primarily use the SL app but will definitely be exploring the other apps in 360. We are thrilled about the addition of Ariculate Review in particular.
- The addition of Articulate Review is a huge bonus for us. We have been struggling with the best way collaborate with faculty on eLearning, so this solves a big problem for us.
- As always, the support from Articulate is stellar. They have already put out several new updates to 360 that we are excited about. In particular, they listened to users and made it so that folks do not have to sign in to 360 to review a course.
- Articulate products are incredibly user friendly. This has not changed with 360. In fact, I think they added even more user-friendliness with some of the new apps.
- We are in education and the price point will continue to be an issue for us. ISDs in other parts of campus are negotiating a contract with Adobe for Captivate licenses for under $200. While I believe that Articulate is a good buy, it is difficult to justify the cost to administration. I also am frustrated with the way pre-purchased upgrades were handled when switching to this new subscription based service. I think that the new pay structure will make this package pf products unattainable for many contractors, non-profits, small businesses, and education institutions.
- I think some of these apps are redundant... do we really need Peek, and Studio, and Replay? I would like things to be a little more consolidated.