Excellent tool for a growing business
- Chatter provides us with a live internal conversation for all to see without the noise that other mediums have i.e. e-mail.
- One of the main features that really works well is the 'Groups' that you can join. We have multiple groups set up to not only distribute procedural changes and communicate news etc, but also have conversations around upcoming tasks in the months ahead.
- Chatter works really well in instances where we need to look over historical conversations that have been had and the sentiment of those conversations with our shareholders, often using hashtags.
- Possibly could go with a change of layout, a slight redesign to make it look and feel more user friendly. It's not terrible but for someone who hasn't used Twitter before, they may find it a bit hard to navigate.
- Possibly to have certain people prioritized within a company's Chatter feed. So if the CEO has posted something, this appears first as a priority post for all to see, and then can be sent further down your feed once read.
- Could possibly do with a feature to create an incentive for people to contribute more. There's still a lot of conversations that happens outside of Chatter that would be better suited for Chatter. There is an 'Influencer' feature but there is little known about this and has minimal meaning or purpose to most people.