GoProof brings all creative media collaboration into one central place so you don't have to use a ton of different systems and workflows just to get approval, with collaboration tools for document and video creative work, all managed in what is offered by the vendor as a user-friendly proof dashboard.
The vendor states that GoProof features deeper
Adobe Creative Cloud integration compared to rivals. This makes approving creative work easier, and allows creatives to share work for review through the GoProof extension and then receive all collaborator comments, @mentions and change requests right back into their Creative Cloud app.
GoProof creates one shared space for everyone to review work and request new versions together on the same document or video, with 10+ proofing tools and fast file uploader.
The step-by-step wizard guides creatives to make required changes and track how long they've taken to do. Or they can take the option of refusing to do them, stating why.
And the GoProof Copy Editor is designed for creative collaborators, allowing them to make edits to copy on proofs without an email or Word doc.