GreenRope Works
- Email Marketing. Easy to use, easy to send, easy to track all help in our forecasting for future implementations. Place clients on drip email campaigns that are automatic and give the client more information that they are seeking. Email broadcasts such as newsletters or weekly updates, success stories etc are shared to our 20,000 contacts at the click of a button. All are trackable too. We can see who is reading, clicking or unsubscribing right from within GR's email tracking features.
- Web tracking. Our website is integrated with GR, so we can see all data pertaining to visitors, the pages visited, time spent at our site/pages and much more without going through our host. If a visitor is a contact/client within our system the web activity is listed in their files within their CRM of GR, If they are not a known contact than we know how many random people are visiting our website too.
- Sales Team work flow. All of our sales reps have a work flow to follow within GR. As an Executive I can see which phase all clients are in at any time. I can go into a particular contact and read the history of any client I wish. This feature also helps us when a sales rep is on vacation, sick or leaves the company. That gives us the ability to pick up right where they left off with accurate records of communication right within GR. We effectively work with the client going forward. Also, sales reps can set reminders and log client activity. We have been able to realize when a sales rep is not working (our sales team works from their homes) or working on their reminders, going MIA for days at a time, you know what I;m saying. With that information we can address the situation in a timely way, conversing with the sales rep and decide how to proceed with any reprimands or the overall business relationship.
- Sign Up forms and Website integration. With GR we have implemented several trackable sign up forms that are functional through our website or email. For instance on our website, visitors can sign up for our newsletter or an online tour of our services by filling out the form. From their we receive the form and begin the work flow. We can set automatic responders to any email or call to action that a visitor makes. If one fills out a form, we can place those visitors, clients, users on applicable drip email campaign/s pertaining to their interest/activity on our website or email call to actions. Those potential clients are now getting automatic emails/further attention that they desire. They often end up being sold clients. Emailed forms such as our Team Up forms get our clients to sign up for our services online. They can pay their start up fees online through our payment system or by sending us a check as that form has a sequence of followed events once it is filled out by the new client.
- Email templates are sometimes tricky to use or customize. We have made several requests for changes and enhancements that have often been implemented by the GR development team.
- Often times we want to send a specific email to our clients in the awaiting decision phase. We don't have to ability to select them all and send them 1 broadcast email. Instead we have to go into each clients within that phase and send them the email individually. That becomes cumbersome and time consuming on our sales team.