A great solution for teams that work closely together to provide exceptional service to their clients!
- Manage support emails with more transparency than Gmail Groups.
- Communicate internally and alerting specific team members about specific inquiries.
- Allows any email received by a team member to be easily created into a ticket to be addressed by a wider group of team members.
- There is currently no way to create a support ticket unless related to an email already received. It would be extremely beneficial to be able to take a call and create a support ticket within HIVER based on the call in the same manner that we can create a ticket from an inbound email.
- Hiver has increased the efficiency by which we address emailed questions and concerns.
- Hiver increases transparency between team members.
- Information pertinent to one or more team members is searchable by all applicable team members making it easier to research a situation that otherwise could have been stored in details across separate member email histories.