Liferay Portal Review
- OpenSource: Liferay is open source portal framework so developers can easily extend or customize it for their organization or department based on their requirement.
- OutOfBox: Liferay Portal is not only a portal platform. It also provides a 60+ applications and tools included in the form of portlets. These portlets are available out of the box or in the form of plugins.
- MarketPlace: Liferay has it own market place (i.e app store) where developer or contributors are contributing their ideas (application) so community can use it freely (some are paid).
- Enterprise-Ready Portal Solution: It is fully ready to support mission-critical, enterprise applications in an environment configured for multiple redundancies and 24/7 up-times.
- High Availability and High Performance: Liferay Portal has been tested to support more than 3,000 concurrent transactions (33,000 simultaneous users) on a single 8-core application server, with mean login times under one second and maximum ½ throughput of 79+ logins per second. Liferay Portal has proven to handle millions of page views and over 1.3 million users.
- Liferay Portal is also deployable to the Cloud and virtual server environments and ensures high availability and performance with: Hardware/Software Load Balancing, HTTP Failover, Session Replication
- Distributed Cache using Lightweight Multicast Protocol
- Terracotta, Oracle RAC, and other scalability solutions
- Portal Security: It has good security model but in few areas it requires improvement.
- Encrypt LDAP passwords on import
- Log in should be via SSL by default
- Upgrade/patch process should include an alert in the control panel
- Add virus scan for uploaded files
- Server Administration
- Garbage Collector should be able to be scheduled to run from the control panel
- Reindexing should be able to be scheduled from the control panel
- Provide GUI to change the default Liferay favorite icon to any desired logo
- LDAP mapping GUI to custom Liferay attributes
- Configurations: Less configurations from properties files and provide more GUI to update from control panel.
- Liferay scales well both in terms of performance but also in terms of operational self-service and eases the burden on IT.
- Compliance, Marketing and Client Engagement teams can create and modify content and submit it for approval. This results in lower operational costs in the areas of new private-label sites and maintenance of current sites because, prior to Liferay, site content management required expensive IT software engineering resources to implement compliance and marketing content changes.
Portofino: Not much scalable and high available CMS.
eXo Platform: Slowly growing in market but not mature community like Liferay and less support from community.
Microsoft SharePoint: Proprietary Software from Microsoft.
Nuxeo ECM Platform: Picking up the market but not mature community and support from the community.