Hightail is fast and easy!
Rating: 10 out of 10
December 04, 2018
Vetted Review
Verified User
1 year of experience
We use Hightail as a whole operation to transfer large files internally and to our clients.
- Files are uploaded quite quickly
- Gives you the opportunity to password protect and receive a download receipt
- Files download quickly
- Storing email addresses better for automatic population
- Brighter interface
- Branded email messages
- We love it and use it every day, well worth it
- Wish mobile was a little better but a great investment
- Clients find it easy to use and that’s what we always strive for
I have used WeTransfer in the past. I think they are very similar however hightail seems to gave faster upload and download times. We transfer had a brighter more fun and user friendly interface making, hightail is a little dark, however it does exactly what we need it to and clients know how to use it which is a large plus for our team. I love hightail!