MOVEit Rocks
- Dashboard provides good insight and quick access to troubled jobs
- Being able to handle file transfer across various protocols securely
- Ability to connect to various cloud sites and storage (SharePoint, Amazon S3)
- Easy SSL certificate implementation of the web UI
- Easy SSH with certificate implementation
- Strong permissions configuration.
- MOVEit only holds the 5 most recent logs for a task. This should be configurable on a task by task basis.
- Ensuring timestamp's across the system match the accounts preference.
- Task deletion. While the current process works, it would be better if there were check boxes or a delete task action item.
- All the HOST location's especially UNC connections
- Being able to schedule jobs on any time frame and the ability to include date lists
- Email notifications on task statuses
- Ability to add processes to tasks using VB or Powershell scripts
- User permission sets
- Everything has been positive. It has limited the need to code for file transfers or manually move files which has in turn granted users more time to focus on other tasks.