Snowflake(cloud-only) Data Warehouse: Excellent Performance and Scalability
Rating: 9 out of 10
June 20, 2019
Vetted Review
Verified User
1 year of experience
A few months ago, we'd decided to migrate our on-premise BI stack to cloud as on-premise solutions were not able to meet growing demands. Clearly, we were looking for cloud-only solutions. After extensive research and POC of several tools, we've on-boarded Snowflake. Snowflake is primarily used by the BI developers as our primary data warehouse and the resulting data is used by the whole organization via the dashboard or Excel extracts. Impressive data compression rate and faster data retrieval make it the best choice as an enterprise data warehouse.
- Impressive data retrieval and data compression ratio.
- Semi-structured data (JSON, XML) can be loaded as is and retrieved in a tabular structure on the fly using the flatten function.
- Zero-copy cloning is an excellent feature which saves hours to refresh latest data in development instance.
- Extensive usages documentation with examples makes development easy.
- Stored procedures are implemented through JavaScript. Would be an additional overhead if your team doesn't have expertise.
- No option to run multiple queries and analyze the results set in the same console window.