A user-friendly modelling software
Rating: 8 out of 10
February 05, 2019
Vetted Review
Verified User
2 years of experience
I am using Solidworks for my Ph.D. research. I have used it to make 3D models for various things which I 3D print later on and test in the laboratories at Iowa State University. I have used Solidworks for making 3D models of poles and transmission towers.
- It has very good graphical user interface and thus is very user friendly.
- It offers a lot of options to create your models and for each option, there are examples and suggestions as to how these options work.
- It can be easily integrated with any finite element software and allows the user to print the model which can be used for testing in labs.
- It enables the user to make very complex 3D parts with minimum effort. There are a lot of tutorials also available for the software.
- I would want Solidworks to add a library within itself where users can see examples and solve their problem.
- While working with very heavy models, the software becomes slow and leads to unnecessary lag while moving around the model.
- It should allow a person to easily integrate their models with models from other users.