StarWind Virtual Tape Library (VTL) resolves the issue of Enterprise ROBO being stuck with expensive tapes for data backup, while allowing users to stick to regulatory archival requirements. One can’t be sure that data stored on the tapes in archives will always be retrievable. StarWind VTL takes advantage of the already existing tape backup infrastructure and virtualizes the data for easy access and storage.
Using on-prem VTLs with cloud and object storage tiering, the solution allows customers to use StarWind VTL to protect their data from ransomware or other threats. Users can also replicate and tier backups in the public cloud and scale with any necessary standard storage arrays. StarWind helps with VTL configuration and integration, and the product is designed to be easily managed.
StarWind VTL:
- Enables users to use your disk/cloud storage as virtual tapes
- Integrates into an existing backup and archival processes without disruption
- Allows customizing data management policies as per necessary regulations
- Switches users from disk-to-tape to disk-to-disk-to-tape/cloud backup strategies
- Ensures versatile scalability, maximum performance and secure automated migration
StarWind Virtual Tape Library provides the ability to offload existing data stored on tapes to cloud storage and forget about investing in physical tapes anymore while keeping that data “airlocked” and secure as the respective official regulations call for it.