Adobe Sign has been creating ease and flow to my business for more than 4 years.
December 19, 2020

Adobe Sign has been creating ease and flow to my business for more than 4 years.

Catherine Gagnon | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Adobe Sign

I use Adobe Sign to send the program agreements for my clients. It makes it easy for them to sign electronically since almost all of my clients are online.


  • I love having my templates that I can just fill in the blank for each client. Saves me time
  • Having an electronic signature makes things much easier for the client instead of asking them to print & sign, then scan, mail or fax their program agreement.
  • I enjoy the simplicity of bringing a PDF that already has my logo and branding into a singable document. Makes me feel and look professional


  • I've had to use private navigation windows to use it with Chrome and this was very annoying at first when I didn't know what to do. The page would not come up
  • The templates stored in my library aren't always easy to get to
  • There used to be a feature to change the language from English to French and I liked selecting the proper language depending if my client is French or English speaking . I coach in both languages
  • Support has been difficult to find at times when I couldn't run the Adobe sign program. I looked in the forums but really needed someone to look into this with me
  • It has saved me time with program agreements
  • It's an affordable product
  • I also use the fill and sign which has been useful when I've had to sign document from people who were simply sending me a PDF. So I saved paper and time by using the other features of Adobe (fill and sign)
I've had issues where it was difficult to receive support. Emails that I sent would take days to be answered and the questions forums weren't helping me. Eventually things were resolved but it took time
User friendly for me and the client. I love having an email with a copy of the signed agreements and to know that the client also has a copy for their files.

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I haven't used any other product similar to Adobe sign
Coaches who work remotely with their clients.
It's been difficult to have people sign a waiver to take a digital course that I created. I had to send each client individually an email with the agreement to sign. It'd be great to have a fillable document that pops up when someone purchases an online course for exemple


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