As a Sales Rep, I'm a fan of CaptivateIQ!
Updated November 04, 2021

As a Sales Rep, I'm a fan of CaptivateIQ!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with CaptivateIQ

Our Sales Ops and Sales Team uses CaptivateIQ to provide insights into variable compensation. The business problem that it solves is keeping reps and ops up to date on deals, variable comp structures, and providing accurate compensation data for all to see. Too many times, reps are in the dark about how much they are getting paid and why. This adds visibility and data to an essential part of sales.


  • User-friendly interface.
  • Clear readouts of how each closed deal affects payout.
  • Easy to understand.


  • It would be helpful to be able to customize reports or filters to find more granular insights.
  • deal breakdown of attribution towards quota
  • bonus or kickers are highlighted
  • Time back in reps' pockets to focus on sales versus ops.
  • Ability to see how each deal size effects comp. Focus time on the right deals.
I used to track my variable comp via Gusto but they are more geared as a payroll software versus a sales compensation tool.

Do you think CaptivateIQ delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

Are you happy with CaptivateIQ's feature set?


Did CaptivateIQ live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of CaptivateIQ go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy CaptivateIQ again?


CapitvateIQ is great for any sales org with complicated variable comps, i.e. SPIFFs, incentive selling, etc. to easily track all of the data and numbers behind it.

CaptivateIQ Feature Ratings

Sales compensation plan creation
Complex sales crediting
Sales compensation process automation
Incentive auditing/regulation compliance
Sales compensation dashboards & forecasting
Incentive modeling
Agile incentive strategy
ICM mobile visibility

CaptivateIQ Support

Haven't had to write into support but the team has proactive follow-ups for feedback which I think is a good indication of high customer support.

Using CaptivateIQ

Love the user-friendly interface and readouts by each month.


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