As a Sales Rep, I'm a fan of CaptivateIQ!
Updated November 04, 2021
As a Sales Rep, I'm a fan of CaptivateIQ!

Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with CaptivateIQ
Our Sales Ops and Sales Team uses CaptivateIQ to provide insights into variable compensation. The business problem that it solves is keeping reps and ops up to date on deals, variable comp structures, and providing accurate compensation data for all to see. Too many times, reps are in the dark about how much they are getting paid and why. This adds visibility and data to an essential part of sales.
- User-friendly interface.
- Clear readouts of how each closed deal affects payout.
- Easy to understand.
- It would be helpful to be able to customize reports or filters to find more granular insights.
- deal breakdown of attribution towards quota
- bonus or kickers are highlighted
- Time back in reps' pockets to focus on sales versus ops.
- Ability to see how each deal size effects comp. Focus time on the right deals.
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