Increase organizational trust through Concur.
July 17, 2020

Increase organizational trust through Concur.

Erika Ruch | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Software Version


Modules Used

  • Expense

Overall Satisfaction with Concur Travel and Expense

Our whole organization uses it to reconcile expenses incurred for ministry use. (We are a ministry to college students.) Concur allows us to get an accurate financial picture for each department quickly. Once the expenses have been cleared and approved, they show up in budget reports we can use for future planning.


  • User friendly
  • Intuitive interface
  • Expenses are available shortly after purchases are made


  • The 30-character limit for descriptions can be tough.
  • Breaking out baggage fees into a separate expense type could be helpful as they are so prevalent.
  • General comment on most Concur interfaces: getting to the comments section or the audit trail is not easy.
  • Expense tracking is the biggest one.
  • Quick reimbursement and accounting
  • At-a-glance financial reporting
Our organization used Captura before switching to Concur and while I don't remember a lot of details (it was over 15 years ago), I think comparatively, Concur is a slicker tool. Though it was likely created with corporate customers in mind, it has been very helpful for us in the ministry/non-profit space.
We run reports from Peoplesoft based on what expenses our employees have submitted in Concur. Once the reports are approved, we can see real-time financial reporting for each chart field we have set up. Our controller, finance team members, and others of us in management count on this to help drive budget decisions and pivot as needed. We can also easily tell if someone has gone over budget on a trip or project.
It has increased our capacity in the financial realm. We don't need to waste time figuring out where we are financially because that info is at our fingertips. We can spend our time and energy dreaming and planning for the future instead of trying to figure out where each department is with its budget. We are also able to better analyze where our funds are going and if that is the best use of our funds.
While not everyone likes to reconcile and submit their reports, it means there is a high level of financial accountability, which is important in any business and organization. Expenses can't be hidden or swept under the rug. Knowing that everyone from the president to a new team member has to follow the same process and report the same way leads to higher organizational trust.
I think Concur Travel And Expense is a good fit for any corporation or non-profit whose employees do a lot of travel. It's a logical, fairly well-laid out tool. It would probably make the most sense for those organizations or businesses with several hundred or more employees; any fewer than that might be overkill. It's a good way to be financially accountable.


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