Druva Rocks
Overall Satisfaction with Druva inSync
It is currently deployed across the entire organization. There are a significant traveling staff world wide and this allows us to remotely support users no matter where they are.
- The Backup is reliable and can be tailored to specific users needs through profiles.
- The restoration which runs in the background can be set to run onto a new device without having to continually monitor the process
- The onboarding of clients is automated, and easy to administrate end users backups
- The tech support is by far the best support technicians, who are all very knowledgeable and very prompt no matter what the problem is
- One item I would like to see is for a same product line allowing for both onsite backups to our Cacheing servers only along with the current cloud based system
- It has saved us some many times with users data being reliably backed up, while the costs might be a little high the Security of knowing its all there has been a great benefit
We tried two others and the main feature at the time was the ability to backup locally to a caching server, thus allowing faster backups and faster restores
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