Big Fan of for Improving Rep Phone Skill
August 17, 2021

Big Fan of for Improving Rep Phone Skill

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
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Overall Satisfaction with

Currently being used within the sales org. I don't know if other orgs within the business use Gong but I imagine not much. We primarily use it for recording, analyzing, and game-filming sales rep calls. Largely as a tool for improvement (both manager-led and self-led feedback). We have begun recently using it to track a couple of things like call connects, connects with no meetings set (for follow-up purposes), and for some zone-wide metric tracking.


  • Call recording & playback (in areas it isn't prohibited)
  • Transcription -- it's not perfect but good enough to be valuable
  • Fun AI metrics like filler word tracking, specific word callouts


  • Sometimes calls can be hard to find if multiple people were on the call
  • Wish there was a solution for announcing recording but only in markets that would require it -- highly specific but would be nice to have all recordings
  • Call recording
  • Call Analysis
  • Connect/ Dispo Tracking
  • Not really qualified to answer but would guess it's had a positive impact helping reps improve calling faster -- esp when going fully remote

Do you think Gong delivers good value for the price?

Not sure

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Did Gong live up to sales and marketing promises?

I wasn't involved with the selection/purchase process

Did implementation of Gong go as expected?

I wasn't involved with the implementation phase

Would you buy Gong again?


If you're looking to be able to coach on calls and improve a rep's capabilities on the phone then this is one of the best ways to do it. I wish I had had this at a previous sales job to better learn from top-performing reps as well. Plus it feels good once you've improved to have your calls become the ones that are featured by the company as examples. Perfectly suited for that use. Great for self-coaching as well.


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