We passed on HireVue
December 03, 2015
We passed on HireVue

Score 6 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with HireVue
Multiple organizations in our company use HireVue. Our current department has a unique hiring model that relies on contract workers we then hire full time. HireVue stopped fitting our particular needs and we went to a system where we pass on HireVue candidates to the staffing agencies we work with.
We used HireVue to screen candidates and rule out those we obviously didn't want to bring in to interview.
We used HireVue to screen candidates and rule out those we obviously didn't want to bring in to interview.
- HireVue allows you to quickly view and listen to prospective candidates without needing to go through a face to face interview with each one. This saves time and lets you focus more time on those you are interested in.
- HireVue allows you to customize your own questions. It can ask for both written and video/audio answer responses.
- Our biggest issue with HireVue is that it doesn't replace live face to face interviews. We were able to use it to screen out candidates who obviously wouldn't be a good fit. But with many candidates, we could only learn they didn't have glaring flaws when answering some questions on video for a few minutes. It was difficult to distinguish great candidates from mediocre candidates via the process as questions are predetermined, without the ability to ask followup questions based on their answers like you would in a real interview.
- In our department, the ROI was negligible so we started referring potential candidates to staffing agencies we worked with. They did a better job of screening candidates than we were able to via HireVue. Other departments in our company still use it however.
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