Obvious Increase in Productivity
March 14, 2019
Obvious Increase in Productivity
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with InsideSales.com Predictive Playbooks
It was first tested within my my team and has been gradually introduced to our entire department and is now being introduced to other departments. It helps structure our sales representatives' daily lives and helps them to perform better.
- Filters your sales leads in whatever way you find most efficient.
- Helps disposition and log your calls very clearly and quickly.
- Organizes your days effectively so that you can spend more time selling.
- The add on is slightly large on your screen, but does collapse if needed.
- Increased overall department closes.
- Freed up more time for daily administrative tasks.
- Decreased time spent attempting to get in contact with potential clients.
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