Kentico CMS the Revenue Generator!
April 04, 2014
Kentico CMS the Revenue Generator!
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction
We used Kentico for Web Development for our clients. It was also used by our clients to administer their sites after deployment. It was used across the entire organization. It allowed us to easily develop websites that are geared more toward the end user (our clients). It allowed the client to keep up with maintenance items such as photos, textual changes, updating attachments and links, etc.
- Kentico is geared more towards the end user (not the developer). It was great for allowing an end user to make textual changes, update photos, links, and files without having to call the developer to make those changes. It gave the client admin more control over their own site.
- Kentico has most of the common functions a web developer would want to use such as forms, calendars, editable text, editable photos, widgets, so most of the coding has already been done, very rarely did I have to create a custom web part.
- Kentico settings are very easy to manage, adding email SMTP information, debugging info, etc.
- Kentico also has reporting and eCommerce functions built in so it is very easy to set up payment gateways and run reports.
- I was using Kentico 7, there was a need for improvement on adding files and photos. You had the ability to upload multiple files at the same time to the media gallery, but when adding those files to the page you had to add them individually and that was quite a pain.
- There was a calendar web part but I could not easily add events to it. I wanted my user to be able to hover over the calendar and see that dates event and be able to click on the date to add an event. I ended up making a custom calendar web part.
- There was some functionality for social media feeds, but I had to create custom web parts to retrieve feeds based on a certain username for Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram.
- I would say Kentico allowed developer to be more efficient and develop web sites more quickly, allowing us to take on more projects.
- I also would say the clients enjoyed the fact that after being trained they could manage the content of their own websites without developer intervention increasing the level of customer service we provided.
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