I can't think of an easier way to get an Infosec program up and running
July 08, 2020

I can't think of an easier way to get an Infosec program up and running

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 9 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

We currently import our user base and keep a minimal amount of user information in KnowBe4. Users and groups are the key elements that allow us to tailor our Infosec training and phish testing campaigns. Our plan is to utilize Active Directory Integration (ADI) in the next 12 months.
We are using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training as the platform for our organization's Security Awareness Training program. KnowBe4 is used for regulatory compliance for HIPAA and JCAHO. Online training is given regularly to existing employees and to new hires and phishing test campaigns are administered to assess user knowledge and overall organization Information Security Awareness.


  • Comprehensive phish testing campaigns and user risk evaluation
  • A wide variety of online training modules covering Infosec related topics
  • Risk scoring for users and groups allowing for more focused testing and training
  • Automated Infosec training program to guide platform setup and administration


  • Ability to add customized training modules that an organization can customize
  • The complete training library is only available at the top tier subscription level. More should be available for lower tiers.
  • When weighed against the cost and potential damage from a breach, the investment return of the KnowBe4 platform subscription is quite high.
  • Ease of setup and maintenance keeps administrative costs low.
  • Online training and testing reduces the load on our Training Department. They only have to oversee training during onboarding of new hires.
At the time of our evaluation, KnowBe4 stood out because of the size of its training library and the ability to customize training and phishing campaigns to match our organization's corporate and user culture, risk level, and regulatory compliance needs. The platform requires very little administrator training and we were able to get up and running very quickly.
We have a Customer Success Representative assigned to us that answers any setup related questions and makes recommendations on best practices on configuration for our needs. Technical and support issues can be provided by KnowBe4's support team directly or sent by our Customer Success Representative. Response time has always been excellent and we find few problems with the platform overall.

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New training content is provided on a regular basis and is well-timed for our annual Infosec Awareness Training assignments. At the top tier, training content from a wide range of content publishers is available, including a well-produced serial video.
User and group risk profiles allow us to gauge program effectiveness and can be viewed on the dashboard or in more detail on reports. We have established policies and procedures to measure and enforce user compliance with training programs. User and group reports show risk ratings based on their phish test performance and can be assigned additional training/testing as needed.
KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training is a very straightforward platform that allows an organization to quickly get an Information Security Awareness program up and running quickly for its user population. The Automated Security Awareness Program tool guides the administrator using best practices in setting up an effective program for an organization. Training modules and Phish testing can be tailored to fit an organization's culture and risk profile.

Whether an Infosec program is needed proactively or in a post-breach scenario, KnowBe4 can be tailored to provide training and phish testing campaigns at baseline, maintenance, or aggressive levels to indoctrinate the user population.

Using KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training

Like to use
Relatively simple
Easy to use
Technical support not required
Well integrated
Quick to learn
Feel confident using
  • Setting up users and groups to reflect risk profiles by job/role
  • Setting up baseline training for existing and new hires
  • Getting a baseline phish test campaign set up and deployed to the user population. Tailoring failure workflow (landing and OOPS pages) to varying degrees of user awareness.
The ASAP (Automated Security Awareness Program) tool makes it very easy to set up an implementation schedule and working with a Customer Success Manager helps to guide the process and answer any questions along the way. Setting up regular (annual) and remedial training and testing is a straightforward process.


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