Don't Build Security Training On Your Own - Let KnowBe4 Do the Work
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
As a risk mitigation tool to educate employees on security risks associated with phishing schemes, fraud, ethics violations, illegal physical and logical access. We also support prevention strategies with KnowBe4 SAT. We deploy training modules by semi-annual campaigns where we can track and report on consumption. We also submit reports as to compliance evidence.
Another way we use KnowBe4 SAT is to educate staff on new policies, or on updates made to existing policies. This has proven to be an effective means for us to "get the word out."
Typically we deploy our campaigns across the entire company enterprise, but we have focused on individual departments. An example of a department-specific campaign would be PCI-DSS policy training regarding payment card info handling for the Sales department.
Another way we use KnowBe4 SAT is to educate staff on new policies, or on updates made to existing policies. This has proven to be an effective means for us to "get the word out."
Typically we deploy our campaigns across the entire company enterprise, but we have focused on individual departments. An example of a department-specific campaign would be PCI-DSS policy training regarding payment card info handling for the Sales department.
- Clarity, easy viewing.
- Effective speed/length.
- Case examples.
- Video clips that support the learning objective.
- Learning checks that support learning objectives.
- Learning check complexity. While most are constructed well, some have been confusing.
- Utilize new technologies in learning checks.
- Provide direct access to where correct information resides when incorrect answers are provided on a learning check. When someone gets an answer wrong, the work doesn't stop there. Why it's wrong needs to be clarified.
- Supported compliance certification/attestation.
Do you think KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training delivers good value for the price?
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Did KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training live up to sales and marketing promises?
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Did implementation of KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training go as expected?
I wasn't involved with the implementation phase
Would you buy KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training again?
Large impact. Revised or new modules help us keep issues fresh in the minds of staff, rather than dish out the same old content throughout the year.
Although I do not have direct involvement with this, we typically run campaigns on a six-month basis across the entire company, or by division. We also derive audiences by the length of time with the company.
I don't view them so I cannot answer. Consumption rates and pass/fail scores are analyzed, however.
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