Great training platform with problematic user sync
March 26, 2022
Great training platform with problematic user sync
Score 4 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Software Version
Training Access Level III (Diamond)
Modules Used
- Kevin Mitnick Security Awareness Training
- KnowBe4 Training Modules (e.g. Common Threats, Creating Strong Passwords, GDPR, etc.)
- KnowBe4 Training Micro-modules (e.g. Captain Awareness, Credit Card Security, etc.)
Overall Satisfaction with KnowBe4 Security Awareness Training
We use KnowBe4 to train our users about the risks of using computer systems. We specifically focus on phishing and social engineering attacks but also use courses in HR areas such as anti-fraud, anti-harassment, etc.
- Detailed information about social engineering
- Good examples of phishing attacks
- Excellent phishing simulation system
- User sync with our directory is pretty bad and difficult to maintain
- Difficult to run year-to-year (repeating) campaigns and keep track
- Worked well for training our users, overall elevated awareness in our company.
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