LastPass can help small teams succeed!
February 20, 2020

LastPass can help small teams succeed!

Anonymous | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Modules Used

  • Password Manager

Overall Satisfaction with LastPass for Business

  • Utilized by our Support Team.
  • Ensures passwords meet the complexity of today's standards.
  • Assists in auto-login to services, without having to go and look in a master password list.
  • Ensures passwords vary for customers.


  • Password management
  • Multi-user access


  • Support for RDP sessions.
  • Improved UI when saving passwords into specific folders.
  • Reduction of time spent accessing portals.
  • Ensuring secure passwords for clients.
I can see issues when more than 25 people shared the same business password list. The UI is focused on teams of less than 25 people. The more passwords, the clunkier it will get, but unfortunately, I haven't found a solution that does scale well when dealing with 1000+ passwords.
  • Small teams requiring a cloud solution to keep secure information including passwords.
  • Automation: auto-filling passwords into websites such as O365, vendor portals, etc.

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