Litmus - cooler than those little paper slips you used in high school chemistry!
May 26, 2020

Litmus - cooler than those little paper slips you used in high school chemistry!

Taber Dean | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with Litmus

I use Litmus in our email channel department to review, provide feedback, and approve custom HTML emails. It allows me to not only have a preview of the email in a more user-friendly format than would be available in our marketing automation platform but I can circulate it to my other marketing partners who don't have access to our automation platform. The ability to assign tasks and manage changes is helpful. The tracking functionality is a great bonus and provides useful insights to our user's email habits and preferences.


  • Proofing - Litmus gives a clean look at what your emails will really look like before hitting the activate button. Some might say this takes the "thrill and mystery" out of email marketing. It's worth it to know your customers will actually make sense of what you are sending them.
  • Review management - Litmus review makes the project management process pleasant and productive.
  • Analytics - Putting to bed the age-old question of "is it really a mobile-first world now?" once and for all... at least until the next email you send! In all seriousness, seeing real analytics on your own user-base is more powerful than any study will ever be even if it isn't a straight-forward answer and one that changes over time. Know is half the battle and Litmus makes that possible.


  • Comments pop-up can be too jumpy - clicking on a proof shouldn't automatically create a comment window. It can be a bit spastic.
  • Time savings
  • Testing insights based on device metrics
We have a better idea of where to invest optimization efforts in the email channel. It has also given us an idea of the next question to ask, i.e.: if we have high open rates on mobile but low click-throughs, is it that we have people previewing the message on mobile but logging back in on desktop to take action because the email CTA is more complex than could be attended to on mobile?
In my role, the testing, review, and approval features are most impactful. Litmus allows me to streamline the proofing process, assign tasks where necessary, and with the appropriate parties and follow-up accordingly. Having this functionality overlayed with the actual email proof makes the process far more efficient and pleasant. Go Litmus!
Litmus works really well when in a team situation where all members don't have access to the marketing automation platform. It allows those team members to preview the email and provide feedback without the tedious task of sending test after test. Additionally, where you have customer coded emails, this gives you the peace of mind to know your message looks just as awesome as you coded it to be and not a hot mess when it hits Outlook.

Litmus Feature Ratings

Ability to test dynamic content
Not Rated
Mobile optimization
Email deliverability reporting
Standard reports
Not Rated
Custom reports
Not Rated
URL Validation
Not Rated
Link Tracking
Not Rated
Spam Testing
Not Rated
Email Previews


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