Good tool to support the time tracking of your team.
November 24, 2020
Good tool to support the time tracking of your team.

Score 8 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with Sage Intacct
Intacct is used across the whole organization, every employee needs to upload their time in timesheets and explain a bit how your days was, in this case, applies to every task made in the work week. This helps us to know if our team is tracking effectively their time, of course we need to focus on the expected results for every resource.
- Track every project's tasks.
- Improve productivity.
- Help managers to understand what the people are focused on.
- Could improve the customer experience.
- For new users it can be hard to use, some functionalities can be hidden and the user can easily get lost.
- Time and expenses timesheets can be improved, maybe they should be more interactive and clear for new users.
- It helps us to determine the correct amount of hours per resource.
- It helps us to see the exact $ expended for a business day/trip.
- Overtime is locked just for the expected users.
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The automation for those processes is a main interaction for our management and financial teams, they can easily identify the right accounts (payable/receivable). The general ledger help us with the preparation of key financial statements, including the balance sheet and incoming statement. This process reports real revenue and expenses, rather than forecasted values.
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