Good, Better, Best! Schoology outshines the rest!
Overall Satisfaction with Schoology
In our district Schoology is being used throughout our system from early childhood through high school with students, staff, and parents. There are many benefits that Schoology has brought our organization but the two that have been the most effective have been communication and access to information and learning. Through the use of Schoology we have broken down the silos of isolated communication threads, through course discussions and updates students and staff are more connected to one another and are able to support the thinking and workflow of courses. Parents are also able to view messages and posts from their child or teacher(s) which has created an easier pathway of communication between home and school. One of the other key opportunities that Schoology has brought forward for our users has been access to learning. Through courses and groups teachers are able to design learning online that mirrors the experiences that students are having in the classroom, this is beneficial so that students can access teaching points, flipped content videos, enrichment links, discussion threads, and much more to extend their learning beyond the walls of the classroom.
- The discussion board feature that Schoology has designed has been an effective medium for students and staff of all learning levels to design, share, collaborate, and connect learning together. With the option for users to upload links, videos, images, or text this has been a game changer in how our learners are able to demonstrate their understanding and mastery of content.
- Authentic feedback is a highly valuable component that Schoology has thoughtfully crafted into multiple feature areas. One of these is through the quiz feedback option. Through this feature instructors are able to proactively insert in a link, document, image, or video to a learner that either validates their learning is accurate and on track or it provides immediate reteaching opportunities for students through any of the above mentioned options. The other feature that Schoology has designed an effective path for authentic feedback is through the assignment component. Being able to share a 'grade comment' or a feedback comment allows our learners the opportunity to view feedback in a more immediate fashion but also allows the student to have a private dialogue with their teacher about an assignment to gain deeper clarification or possible to expand on the original assignment as it was written.
- Making our learning visible through the use of Schoology media albums has supported our youngest learners all the way up to our on-going professional adult learners. Media albums have brought forward fantastic opportunities for students to reimagine how they connect to their learning through images and video. Our learners have demonstrated to us that the power in learning is when you can not only visualize your thinking but also articulate it in words. Through the use of the comment box in a media album our learners get the best of both learning styles.
- Currently one area that our users would like Schoology to improve on is with their portfolio feature. Schoology has a portfolio option but it currently doesn't work through their mobile app. and this has been limiting for some of our users. It currently is also limiting in the content that a learner can add to it. We need it to have the same versatile supporting learning. In a strong 1-1 district having a digital portfolio option for mobile and online users is critical to showcasing our learning.
- Slide Deck
- Schoology has increased our communication opportunities with students, teachers, families, and support staff.
- Schoology has supported our work in personalizing learning for each student and staff member through the many resource and material options designed within its system.
- Through the use of Schoology we have been able to design, deliver, and collaborate on curriculum resources across each of our buildings, curriculum teams/departments, and grade levels.
In comparison to other learning management options for students to participate and experience learning outside of the classroom walls and confines of space, place, time, and pace there is no other system that has even come close to the level of ease, personalization, and opportunities to learning that Schoology has brought forward! Hands down the best system!
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