Volunteer Management System to Rely On
April 02, 2020
Volunteer Management System to Rely On

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Overall Satisfaction with SignUpGenius
I am a small business that does enrichment education for kids from preschool to middle school. Often I put on family events where I need to gather volunteers from all over my community. SignUpGenius was a blessing literally to do the task. It is familiar with schools-public and private as well as parents. It organizes everything for me including downloads and reminder emails. I love the alerts as I did a posting and was concerned which I didn't have to as SignUpGenius sends alerts. I filled a one-night event that evening with volunteers with a waitlist. I love that there is a link so I just send the link to my school contacts asking for volunteers; again this is a well-known resource for gathering volunteers.
- It's free till you want the premium version.
- Ease of use and organization incredible
- Usable links to forward for emailing
- Easy exporting and downloading of information to Excel
- Alerts you of Activity
- The customization of how you want to organize your sign-up may take some time.
- The ads, but it's free so hard to complain.
- Wonderful tool for gathering information and organizing
- It was free and for a small business--couldn't ask for anything more.
- I was able to succeed doing a huge event by myself.
I know of Eventbrite and how you can use it to promote an event. My event was for families and kids. The event was also free. Eventbrite I could have used for this but it did not have the abilities like SignUpGenius for me to organize and stay in contact with my community and volunteers. Both are free but Eventbrite didn't have the functionality I needed. Also it isn't used in my area of these activities to gather people
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