TrustRadius is the go-to place to understand the true value of technology for your business.
June 22, 2021

TrustRadius is the go-to place to understand the true value of technology for your business.

Mike Muller | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TrustRadius for Buyers

Software is challenging to purchase. Knowing what is good and bad about a piece of software or SAAS-based service is often challenging. Brands will always put their best foot forward so finding the pros and true cons of technology is important. TrustRadius provides that information for us. Their reviews are provided by real users and that real user feedback is critical with purchasing decisions.


  • Real users are providing reviews
  • Reviews can be trusted
  • Reviews are detailed.


  • More detailed reviews
  • Broader range of software
Most vendors are transparent about pricing. Vendors who don't provide pricing are usually very expensive. When they are not transparent about pricing, it's difficult for them to prove the value of the price. If the software is expensive, tell me why and validate the cost, don't hide it. I always prefer seeing pricing up front.
I like TrustRadius because they vet their reviewers and the way the reviews are structured, they. are easy to read and understand. Overall the review structure is very helpful. We still use G2 and Capterra to get different opinions but TrustRadius is our primary tool for researching technology and understanding the quality, performance and value of products..
We have not used those tools in our evaluation process.
Product ratings are important and they definitely influence the decision. We don't always purchase software with the highest score. We look into each review and try to determine if the reviewer is using the review as a complaint soap box or if the review is valid and real. Sometimes the reason one user ranks a piece of software low may not be important to us so we evaluate each review individually.
The biggest challenge is understanding how well a piece of software really works without going through the entire onboarding process and using a piece of software. This has made us apprehensive to implement software that could have solved a business problem for us. Not knowing can be paralyzing at times.
TrustRadius is a great source of true user reviews with consistent questions and a good vetting process for the reviewers. Knowing that real users are providing feedback increases the trust in the review and makes buying decisions much easier. Having access to these reviews can help build confidence in finding the right tools for the job.


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