HasOffers (Tune) is the key for web performance marketing!
September 04, 2020

HasOffers (Tune) is the key for web performance marketing!

Rohit Asesh | TrustRadius Reviewer
Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User

Overall Satisfaction with TUNE (formerly HasOffers)

Tune (formerly Has Offers) had always been and is still used extensively for our performance-driven acquisition campaigns. They are the industry leader when it comes to the tracking of web campaigns. I have been able to successfully use it for my web campaigns and am able to center the data on setting up the app campaigns as well for ease of access and reporting.


  • Good reporting dashboard; customization is the key.
  • Makes co-ordination easy with the partners.
  • Easy to use interface, manages campaign and finances easily.


  • Tiny urls can be improved significantly.
  • Revenue management can be improved.
  • Competitive pricing models should be introduced.
  • Ease of campaign management, hence impact revenue.
  • Partner revenue module is good, helps in scaling. Commission is also managed here.
  • Automation rules are helpful in saving a lot of money by alarming unusual traffic on time.
Other products have the basic features but they are not as easy to use as Tune is. It helps in managing the partner overall, the campaign, the invoices, the commissions, the validation, etc. It is already integrated almost everywhere, which makes it super easy and partners also have trust in the software. Looking at the above points, I went for HasOffers and renewed the contract every year.
Highly recommended; the support from the team has always been exceptional. The prompt revert to the inquires and the live chat module resolves the queries real quick. The team makes efforts to close the ticket at the earliest, which is good for the users as they get the solutions easy and quick.

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When it comes to web campaign tracking, HasOffers or Tune is unbeatable, as it is very easy to use. The UI/UX is great; it minimizes the time of creating multiple campaigns. This is the most popular tracking system, so it is very easy to integrate with partners and start off the campaigns. The knowledgebase is good and makes life easy for new users. Postback and pixel integration is super easy. If you are app first or app only brand, Tune is not advisable.


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