Unitrends Recovery Series Backup
Overall Satisfaction with Unitrends Recovery Series Backup Appliance
We use the Recovery Series Backup Appliance to back up our environment of virtual and physical machines.
I have jobs broken up into related groups for better scheduling options. With the attached archive unit we are able to archive a back up job to hard disk for long term retention.
It is easy to see current and past (week) results for the back jobs ups at a single glance, them dig down if required. Because of its clean display is it verified that your jobs are good.
- Granular restore of files and Exchange mailboxes/items
- Clear opening status screen
- Improved reasons why a job may have failed.
- Automatic clean of job status when the backup is removed
- Get clean/complete backups daily/weekly/monthly
- Fixed space with appliance, sized too small initially for growth and after two (02) years not getting the retention period desired
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