Mostly quick and efficient.
June 10, 2021
Mostly quick and efficient.

Score 7 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- Expense Management
Overall Satisfaction with Webexpenses
To manage and record expenses, mainly credit card expenses, but also any other form of personal expense. It enables a uniform approach to be utilised by all employees. It is used across the whole organisation. It allows quick submission and authorisation of expense claims across the whole organisation.
- It is browser based, so easily accessible from anywhere.
- Allows quick submission of claims, and quick authorization process.
- It can be used to allocate each cost to a nominal finance code, so allows accurate records.
- The text recognition feature doesn't work, so you have to manually manage each line.
- The claim lines are seemingly arranged randomly, with not much logic.
- The mechanics of applying VAT could be a bit simpler.
- Less paper required.
- Can process large number of claims with ease.
- Less time spent on submitting and authorizing, as all browser based.
Yes, I have used Webexpenses to save time and automate activities like claims submission and expenses approval. Backing documents is quick and easy to upload. the expenses approval process is very quick as the manager just has to log in using a browser, and then approve on the website. The process is made quick and efficient by this.
I have not used other products like Webexpenses.
Using Webexpenses
150 - All
- Submitting expense claims.
- Authorizing quickly.
- Storing backing documents.
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
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