Expenses A breeze
June 13, 2021
Expenses A breeze

Score 10 out of 10
Vetted Review
Verified User
Modules Used
- Expense Management
Overall Satisfaction with Webexpenses
Webexpenses is used to manage my personal spend reimbursement for my company. This system also manages my mileage claims and makes life very easy for end-of-year tax reporting. My company is using this software to save time in our accounts department and digitalism our expenses system. Our management team are very happy with the results of using Webexpenses.
- Mileage Tracking
- Documenting Expenses for reporting purposes
- Easy to use approval routes
- Mobile Web app for all employees
- Mobile App view for claims can be scrambled
- Copy function could be clearer
- Quick easy reporting
- Access from any device
- Simple easy to use platform
I have used Webexpenses to save time and automate activities like invoice processing, claims submission, and expenses approval for the last three years for fuel mileage and expense claims in the construction industry. The industry is one that usually has a high personal spend. Time is money in our industry and any automation especially one that works is welcome.
Webexpenses was easy to use it works in a very self intuitive way. It's very inexpensive compared to other software packages and it works very well stand alone if you need it to. The reports that can be printed off are a much better than other software packages that I have used.
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