WooCommerce - Great option for [a] new eCommerce business, if you know website hosting
Overall Satisfaction with WooCommerce
Our company utilizes WooCommerce to sell customized products via a WordPress eCommerce website. We needed a way for customers to locate our business online, view our product offerings, and eventually place orders. WooCommerce was an easy option since it integrates directly with our website and is free to start. There are many paid plugins that we take advantage of but everything is based on the WooCommerce platform.
WooCommerce also makes it easy to track our online sales and manage our inventory.
WooCommerce also makes it easy to track our online sales and manage our inventory.
- Inventory Management.
- Sales Reporting.
- Processing eCommerce Orders.
- Integration with WordPress.
- WooCommerce can be dependent on other plugins.
- While the base is a good start, you need to purchase lots of additions.
- WooCommerce is not very customizable out of the box.
- WooCommerce allowed us to launch an eCommerce website for very inexpensive.
- While being inexpensive WooCommerce looks inexpensive from a customer's perspective.
WooCommerce is customizable and can run on any platform. This is a double-edged sword though because you have to be familiar with website hosting. It is also nice that it is free. We compared it to Shopify which is nice because they take care of all of the hosting aspects, but they take a percentage of all sales where WooCommerce is free.
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