What was once a great product is now so broken it's barely useable
Rating: 1 out of 10
October 18, 2021
Vetted Review
Verified User
13 years of experience
- maintains specific customer lists when it is working, which it currently is not
- sends out emails and newsletters and allows for recording open rates, BUT NO LONGER A RECORD OF CUSTOMERS CLICKING ON A LINK in an email or newsletter
- takes credit card payments using Paypal, among others, to process them
- can be programmed to send out autoresponders, when it works
- Maintenance of the various aforementioned functions is so poor they often no longer function and there is no way to get anyone to repair them
- [In my experience] there is no competent and knowledgeable customer service, and those who are there are extremely poorly trained and unable to help - if you can even reach them
- Restore the ability to track whether or not a reader clicked on a link in an email or newsletter. Even better, which one did they click on? This function was discontinued several years ago.
- Even better than that, allow for two or more links with totally different products or actions and track them separately
- The person I have who is dealing with it says it is seriously antiquated and needs a complete overhaul. Update the whole thing into a 21st-century product.