I have no reservations about AgilQuest as as a key component of our workplace strategy
- User friendly with three ways of making reservations
- The mobile app
- Call forwarding to reserved desk
- Ability to search for where people are sitting
- It is a key component in the firm being able to completely transform our working environment. We needed a hoteling software that would allow us to move from one-to-one assigned seating to seat sharing. This, in turn, has allowed us to shrink our footprints as leases expire and create a whole new working environment. Some key metrics thus far are: (1) our portfolio has dropped by 77,000 RSF despite significant headcount growth, (2) RSF per person has decreased from 260 in 2014 to 185, on our way to 150, as future renovations are completed, and (3) we have reduced future occupancy costs by $52 million.