Testing new grounds with elastic load balancing
Rating: 9 out of 10
July 28, 2021
Vetted Review
Verified User
1 year of experience
At the moment we are looking at using the elastic load balancer provided by Amazon web services in a trial fashion. Our company has been migrating more and more of our in-house developed applications from on-site platforms to the AWS web platform. Part of this involves routing traffic across the newly deployed microservices and we are looking into using the elastic load balancer to help with this. So far it seems promising although our scale is admittedly low. We have not yet decided to migrate everything over to elb from our previous setup however results are promising as with anything else on the AWS suite the more we use it the more we like it. As far as business problems being addressed it's simply a matter of the security of being the host of the cloud versus having to maintain everything on site and as such the more options we use provided by Amazon web services the less we have to do ourselves.
- Most obviously it works great for routing traffic between components hosted on Amazon web services
- The ability to dynamically spin up connections is fantastic.
- In general the ease of use and configuration is a selling point.
- So far our experience has been limited with the ability for elb to handle transactions when only part of the platform is on Amazon web services.
- Dynamically spitting off new connections as back end or front end services are spun up
- Ease of integration within the AWS platform
- The pay as you need the mentality of AWS in general and in specific with the elb is a wonderful benefit
- Currently it is too soon to say for sure what kind of impact this will have.
- The ideal goal is that this will be cheaper than having to host our own routing on site.
Again as noted we're still in the trial process seeing if we want to migrate over but the biggest benefit of elb is its interconnectivity with other Amazon web services hosted applications that our company is using and the in-house support from AWS. This is very attractive when routing traffic across various applications hosted in the cloud.