AWS CloudFormation - The best service to deploy your infrastructure on AWS
Rating: 8 out of 10
May 06, 2022
Verified User
Vetted Review
Verified User
3 years of experience
We use AWS CloudFormation to deploy our infrastructure on AWS platform. We have different accounts for different customers with the services being deployed via CloudFormation templates. All we have to do is modify the respective values of stages, environment variables for deployments and you could use the same template for deployment to different customers which makes our life easy.
- All resources can segregated based on stacks which provides greater visibility
- A complete audit trail of what went wrong while deploying a particular resource
- Automatically rollbacks if any service as part of CloudFormation results in an error
- The UI tool is useful
- Reusability
- Infrastructure Provisioning
- AWS quick support for any issues related to CloudFormation deployments
- Stack Visibility and segregation
- Faster deployment
- A one time setup which eliminates rework
- Disaster Recovery
Since the product I'm involved is primarily hosted on AWS we use CloudFormation but in some other products where we have hybrid cloud deployments we prefer Terraform which is opensource.