Pros and Cons of Camunda Platform
- Managing workflow of an order
- Tracking of incidents
- Visibility into each instance of business process/workflow
- User task management
- Integration with back-end microservices
- Documentation - It is usually daunting for beginners because of lack of good documentation
- Simplified setup on local machine for Camunda Server would help developers test changes quickly
- Easier migration from one deployment version of a Camunda process to another deployment version would help in making changes and deploying them faster.
- Heap memory management becomes issue at times resulting in stuck processes. This needs to be resolved.
- The positive impact is that we are able to ensure the business process is being followed and that results in orders getting processed successfully leading to customer satisfaction and revenue
- Another positive impact is that we are able to track any anomalies and any errors in the order flow and retry them so that users don't have a negative experience.
- A negative point is that it is an overhead to maintain so there is significant engineering effort getting invested there