DDI - Keeping It Simple
- I enjoyed the process of getting certified to teach topics from DDI. Our master instructor was excellent. He gave wonderful feedback and provided an environment where we could practice our skills and be ready to teach.
- The facilitator and participant materials are very professional and well laid out. They are easy to follow. Especially as a facilitator of the course. The facilitator guide provides very detailed content of what to say and how to teach the topic.
- I love the additional job aids, videos, surveys and reinforcement of training tools they provide for you to use with your learners. They also are provided in various formats (mobile, hard copy, etc.)
- We are a part of a dealer network. Before we rolled out the training and materials using DDI, we ranked 38 out of 52 dealers for our dealer loyalty score. We are now ranked #2.
- We are seeing our leaders confidence go up. They feel much more confident in how to lead their teams. The environment within the teams has improved. They are having more effective conversations with team members. 1x1s are happening in a more consistent basis.
- Our leaders have more tools than they have had before in how to lead and support their teams. Checklists, templates, surveys, etc.