Pretty Good for certain use cases!
- Time off management
- On demand reporting
- Onboarding workflow management
- Offboarding workflow management
- Deeper data management/review - dashboard experience could be better and deeper
- Ability to drill into reports within the tool- right now it takes you out to a sheet to view
- Org planning/org chart sharing
- Time off management
- Workflow management
- Reporting
- Human data repository
- More people want to interact with the tool so we're better able to manage some processes
- Saves us a headcount on some of the things it can automate
- We don't have the ability to provision every account with them even though they said they could (slack) so we still need to do some manual work on account provisioning
- Automation of employee lifecycle activities
- Storing employee data
- Dashboard for employee info
- To create workflows to support changes in the org
- To automate the onboarding experience for employees
- To track fun facts and data about our team
- Give managers more control on employee changes
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Usability
- Implemented in-house
- just time to get it done
- planning to roll it out to the team
- reporting
- requesting time off
- viewing employee profiles
- workflow requests
- giving developer access/api