Lifesize Icon and Lifesize Cloud Rocks!
Our campus faculty, business institute, and other departments are looking forward to using the system in addition to dual credit teaching.
- Easy to use
- Low cost
- Easy to manage accounts
- Knowledgeable and reliable sales and customer service at Lifesize
- Access to Lifesize Community, which connects other Lifesize users/clients, and gives users the ability to request features directly with the support and development teams.
- Technical support that is second to NONE!
- More screen layout options
- Ability to customize screen layouts
- ability to store ip based systems as favorites.
- Customizable recording interface--ability to change and arrange PIPs as desired
- Students have opportunities to learn without physically coming to our campus.
- We have saved money bringing in guest lecturers to classes without paying travel expenses.
- We used this recently for a mandatory orientation meeting with area high school instructors who teach dual credit for our institution.
- All of the participants, and sites of participants were able to connect eeasily and without issue.
- Distance Learning - Dual Credit to area High School Students
- Virtual office hours
- Training and communicating with outside vendors
- Simple, fast Lecture Capture
- Letting area high schools to leverage our cloud account to be able to teach subjects to other high schools when enrollment at those schools doe snot have enough interest in certain classes.
- When this system grows, I can see us using it as a tool to communicate in person to off-campus employees.
- Lecture capturing was something we ran into by mistake, but the cloud client on the PC over at academic technology is being used to capture lectures that need to be done quickly and easily.
- We hadn't planned on using the system for virtual office hours, but this summer, it has been a smashing success.
- Price
- Product Features
- Product Reputation
- Third-party Reviews
- Implemented in-house
- Online training
- Self-taught
We installed our Lifesize unit on a portable cart, so it is flexible to go anywhere on our campus. We also use the system with web-cameras attached to our integrated classroom PCs.
We did develop a sheet of requirements for area high schools with best practices on their end. Those were: Hard wired internet connection, PC specifications form the Lifesize website, and a hard wired connection of the computer to the display device.
- Making calls is very easy.
- Dialing other sites is as easy as typing in the code of the other unit
- Ability to keep a local address book as well as add favorite sites is great
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